Strength workout you can do at home!

There are times when I don’t feel like driving to the gym or hate having to find space at the gym to do a workout. I have created a strength based workout that you can do anywhere at anytime. You can do it at home, in a hotel room, at the park, pretty much anywhere. You don’t need any equipment except for a chair, bench, step or stair. This is a great workout you can do when your sitting watching TV or while your waiting for dinner to cook.

For Beginners:

– 15 Squats

– 10 Hand Release Push-ups

– 10 Lunges each leg

– 10 Triceps Dips

– 20 Supermans

– 30 second plank seesaw

Repeat 1-2 times

For an advanced workout, add 5-10 reps to each exercise and repeat 2-3 times. See below for descriptions for each exercise or you can find demonstrations for any of these exercises on you tube. Enjoy!

Squats: Stand with feet parallel, hip-width apart. Slowly start to lower your bottom, bending at the knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. All your weight should be in your heels and press through the heels to return to a standing position.

Triceps Dips: Sit on the floor in front of a step or bench. Place palms on the bench/step, arms straight, and legs slightly bent in front of you, feet on the floor. Lower your bottom to the floor, bending arms until at a 90 degree angle.

Hand-release push-ups: In a push up position, lower body until all your weight is on the floor, raise your hands off the floor for a second, place hands back on the floor and push all of your body weight back into a push up position.

Superman: Lying face down on the floor, arms and legs extended, raise both arms and legs simultaneously off of the floor and lower back down.

Lunge: Stand with hands on hips, feet are hip-width apart. Step one leg forward and lower body until both knees are at a 90 degree angle. Return to starting position and repeat with opposite leg.

Plank seesaw:  In a push-up position, place your forearms on the floor, elbows bent at 90 degrees. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders, your body should be a in a straight line from your head to your shoulders. Use your feet to shift your weight forward and backward slightly in a “seesaw” motion.

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