Dirty 30 Leg Workout

Perform 30 reps of each exercise. Repeat at 1-2x. Hold a pair of dumbbells or a weight for more of a challenge.

Dirty 30 leg

Sumo Squats: Stand with your feet wider that hip width apart, toes pointed out at an angle. Squat down as low as you can keeping your heels on the floor and your back straight. Stand back up. That is one rep.

sumo squat

Reverse Lunge: Stand holding a pair of dumbbells with feet together. Step backward with one leg and lower yourself until both legs are at 90 degree angles. Stand back up and return to starting position. That is one rep.

reverse lunge

Curtsey squat: Stand with legs hip width apart. Take one leg and place it behind your other leg like you are ready to curtsey. Lower down as far as you can go and stand back up. That is one rep.

curtsey squat

Squat pulse: Stand with feet hip width apart. Lower down into a squat positon and make tiny 1 inch pulses. Make sure your knees do not go over your toes.

Side Lunge: Stand with feet hip width apart. Take a large step to the right and lower yourself down into a lunge position, making sure your right knee doesn’t go over your right toes, keeping your left leg straight. Push off your right foot and step back to starting position.

side lunge

Single Leg Bridge: Lay with back on floor, feet  flat on floor, knees bent. Raise one leg off the floor and straighten knee. Push through the foot that is grounded on the floor and raise your hips until they are off the floor and your body is at a straight line. Lower hips to the floor.  That is one rep.

single leg bridge

Step up: Holding weights or dumbbells. Step one foot up onto a step or bench and push through that foot until you are standing on the bench or step with same foot, other leg should extend behind. Lower down to ground with opposite leg.

step ups

Wall Sit:  Stand with your back against a wall. Walk your feet out 2 feet or so from the wall, your feet should be hip width apart. Lower down until your knees are at a 90 degree angle, keeping your back straight against the wall. Head should be back against the wall. Hold for 30-60 seconds.

wall sit

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